Peer Learning & Mentoring
Stay focused, get some extra practice, and make new connections by working with a peer learning consultant or mentor. Our highly trained student workers can meet with you to discuss a research paper, review an unfamiliar concept, learn time management, share study strategies, and more!
Academic Success Coaching
Our professional staff support students as they navigate campus life and serve as "bridge-builders" between students and the college. Throughout your journey at Centenary, we provide personalized support by connecting you to people, resources, and opportunities for success.
Disability Services
We work closely with other departments to facilitate access and full participation in all courses, campus activities, programs, and services at Centenary. We are committed to promoting equity and inclusion on campus. Learn more at Centenary.edu >
Career Services
We assist students as they prepare for a career path. We do it all – resumes, cover letters, internship matching,
interview prep, job search assistance, recruitment fairs, and personal and professional assessments.
Study Abroad & Intercultural Experience
From sourcing and prepping international scholarship applications to creating a plan to study abroad to finding creative and personally meaningful ways for you to develop intercultural skills, we want to make sure you find your place in the world.
Community & Civic Engagement
Gain valuable experience working alongside members of your community. We sponsor opportunities for you to connect to your learning and values through engaging with your local community.